Thornless Blackberries Ripening, Summer Hours Start June 15

   'Natchez' thornless blackberries have just started ripening, and customers may begin picking them by appointment on Mon. June 10.  'Natchez' thornless blackberries keep ripening for 4 or 5 weeks, and we have 2 other varieties of thornless blackberries that start ripening later, so the most thornless blackberries will ripen from about June 18 to July 16.

   Thornless blackberries are sold pick-your-own only, for $4.83 per quart + sales tax.  We provide quart containers, and have customers fill them level-full.

A few 'Natchez' thornless blackberries are ready to pick now, and more will ripen over the next 4 or 5  weeks.
   We're still open by appointment until June 14.  For one more week, phone 620-597-2450 a day ahead and leave a message on our answering machine saying the day and about what time you'll come, and what you want to buy.  We're working all over the farm, so often don't see vehicles drive in if you don't call a day ahead so we can look for you.

   Our Summer Open Hours start June 15 and run until Aug. 31, as shown in the sidebar at left.  In summer, we're open Mon. to Sat. 7:30 12 noon and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m., and Sundays 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. only.  We're closed Sun. mornings for church services (as we are year-round), and closed from 12 noon to 7 p.m. each day in summer.  If you tell others about us, please let them know the open hours.  Thanks. 

   We also still have many harvested, cracked pecans for sale.  Pecans store well for several months in a fridge, and for over 6 years in a freezer.  We sell cracked pecans in 4-pound bags, which are over 75% pecan kernels and under 25% shell fragments.  Each bag has the equivalent of 6 pounds of in-shell pecans, and when you pick out the pecan kernels, you get 3 pounds or more of nutmeats.  Each bag costs $19.32 + sales tax.

   We'll have pecans for sale until mid-late July this year.  Each year, many customers want pecans in late Sept. to early Nov., and we're always sold out by then.  The new pecan crop starts in mid-Nov. 

We still have many cracked pecans in 4-pound bags, which are over 75% pecan kernels and under 25% shell fragments. They store over 6 years in a freezer, so get them while we have them.
   Revised projected sales dates for all our crops are shown in the updated sidebar at left under Crop Sales Seasons.  That also tells which crops we sell harvested, and which crops we sell pick-your-own.  Note that we'll have NO peach crop in 2024, due to the March 27 frost.

   As always, we take cash or checks for payment, but NO credit cards or debit cards, and no "apps".  We don't use a smart phone, and have no phone line to the sales building.  So please bring your checkbook or enough cash to cover the amount of fruit you want to buy.  Thanks.